
dietitian business

7 Ways to Manage a Slow Holiday Season in Your Nutrition Business

When you’re running a nutrition business there are certain times of year that tend to be slower than others. December is often one of those slow seasons and it feels unsettling when you suddenly have a lull in your usual client load. Before your thoughts spiral out of control and you convince yourself you’ll never […]

Are you making these mistakes in your nutrition business?

Whether you’re a total newbie or a seasoned nutrition entrepreneur, making mistakes is one thing you can count on as a business owner. When I started my nutrition business, I wasted a ton of time and money on the wrong things like writing an ebook before I was clear on the needs of my niche […]

Get Rid of Comparison Once and For All

Picture this. You’re lounging on your couch scrolling through Instagram when all of a sudden your heart sinks, your mood shifts and your thoughts swirl out of control. There SHE is again. It seems like she pops up everywhere. You know the one. That dietitian who has it all together. She has thousands of followers. […]

7 Business Tools I Can’t Live Without

There are SO many decisions to make when starting a business. I remember spending hours researching all the scheduling programs and CRM systems out there and agonizing over which one to choose. I seriously made pros and cons lists of each one like it was my job! Here’s a list of the 7 business tools […]